過去の記事: 2010年5月


English Rakugo - Homework!

Homework.JPG Homework.JPG木曜日の夕方にThe Kobe Clubで英語落語をやらしていただきます。






I'm busy rehearsing my Master's story "Homework" for a special English Rakugo performance at the Kobe Club this Thursday.  It's a great story, and I'm looking forward to doing it (it's only the second time I'll have a chance to do it!)

If you have a chance, come see me!





Curry Ramen

Curry Ramen.JPG私の住んでいるマンションの一階には有名なカレーラーメン屋さんです。カレーラーメンの専門店は珍しいだと思いますが、めっちゃくっちゃ美味しいです!ごちそうさまでした!

On the first floor of my apartment building is a Curry Ramen shop.  It's really famous around town and actually incredibly delicious.  Today I went there for lunch for the first time in a long time!


New Diet... Oatmeal!


I used to hat oatmeal as a kid, but I have recently rediscovered it!


Sanga at work...


Sanga takes work very very seriously...


Doors made to view snow in the garden from a warm room...

Yukimishoji.JPG Yukimishoji2.JPG染太兄さんの会はとても素晴らしい伝統的な京都のお家でやっています。そこで、初めて拝見いたしました「雪見障子というのがあります。冬の寒い日で、温かい部屋の中から坪庭が見えるような障子です。


This door is called "Yukimi Shoji" which means "a door through which you can watch the snow."  In the winter, it's too cold to go out into the garden, but with these special Japanese doors, you can gaze at the snow in the household garden from a warm room while you sip hot green tea (or hot sake!) 

You have to love Japan!


Dramatic Propose Course!

Propose Course.JPG染太兄さんと一緒の帰り道でこのポースターを見かけました。凄いことですね、ある眺めの良いレストランにお金払ったら「ドラマチック・プロポーズ・コース」を作ってくれる。なにがドラマチックかな?指輪をだす時にバイオリニストがテーブルに来ていただくかな。バイオリニストよりアコーディオンのほうがムードに合う気がします。ちょっとそこでアコーディオン担当させていただこうか。


This poster advertises a "Dramatic Propose Course".  It's a restaurant with a skyline view of Osaka that, for a price, will make your marriage proposal dramatic and unforgettable.  I wonder what they actually do...

Do they need an accordionist???


Two Big Boys!

Sometanisan1.JPG昨日の落語会の打ち上げはBig Boyでございました!!!



Yesterday after the show Someta-san took me to dinner to the Big Boy steak house.  We both had the Hamburger / Steak special.  It was phenomenal.

Thank you Someta-san!




Yesterday I was invited to perform with fellow Rakugo storytellers Hayashiya Someta-san  and Shofukutei Chinosuke-san.  They have both been professional storytellers for 10 years.  It was Somata-san's monthly rakugo show in Kyoto. Yesterday Someta-san performed in Japanese but he is also great at English rakugo.   Thank you so much for inviting me,Someta-san!


My name!

Name2.JPG Name1.JPG今日は英会話教室で英語教えるために繁昌亭に行きましたら、新しく作られた上方落語家系図がかざっていありました。上方落語の一番最初からいままでの噺家の名前は全部載せてあります。



They just put up a huge display at the Hanjotei Yose Rakugo Theatre with the names of all of the rakugo storytellers in the history of Osaka Rakugo (several hundred years).  It looks like a huge family tree (in the rakugo world, you belong to the "family" of your master, and you address the other apprentices as "older brother/sister" or "younger brother/sister".

It is like a dream come true to be part of this history. 

Seeing this really inspires me to want to study more.  Time to hit the books!  (Well, actually, time to hit the ipod, but anyway, same thing).


Crazy for You!

Crazy for You!.JPG電車の中のチラシです。このミュージカルは15年前くらいにトロントで観ました。最高に明るくて楽しいミュージカルでした。


I saw Crazy for You in Toronto about 15 years ago!  It was great.  I wonder what the Japanese version is like...


Memorizing Day!



For the first time in a long time I had the chance to spend the whole day at the office memorizing Rakugo stories.  Today I'm putting the finishing touches on The Zoo, which I learned from older brother Edasaburo, and I also started memorizing The Raccoon Dog and the Gambler (both in Japanese).  It takes so long to get a Japanese story into my head!  Oh well, step by step...


Beware of Crab!



This is a funny warning about getting your fingers stuck in the elevator door.  Why do crabs get such a bad wrap?





 I went to my friend's restaurant and he offered me an new menu item: raw bacon!  Now I know that the Japanesae like to eat things raw (I have had almost every food that other countries cook, raw here, including chicken, horse, and even pork liver), but I had not yet heard of raw bacon.  On the other hand, there is a kind of smoked bacon that you eat without frying that comes up in Slovenian cuisine called "Speh" (pronounced Shpekh), so I wondered if it was something similar.

Lo and behold, when he brought it out, it was my beloved Speh!  I don't think I've had it for five or six years now, maybe more!  This was smoked personally by a friend of the restaurant owner who has been researching for about 5 years the perfect way to smoke this meat.   And he uses cherry-tree wood chips to smoke it!  Delicious!!!



Sankinpress2.JPG Sankinpress1.JPG今日NGKで記者会見ありました。兄弟子の桂三金は来月の6日「ゴスペル落語会」を開きます。私も参加させていただきます。



My older brother storyteller has invited me to perform with him at his Gospel Rakugo Show next month on the 6th.  We had a press conference today.  Also joining us was the hilarious manzai two-person comedy stars "Smile" and a hilarious Marylin Monroe-like comedienne named Shizuka Kaoruko.

It should be a very fun show. 


Presentation in Ikeda!

Ikeda3.JPG Ikeda1.JPG Ikeda2.JPG昨日は池田市に行きまして、講演会で勉強させていただきました。お客様の中で、カナダ人とオーストラリア人がいました。2人とも日本語ペラペラでよう笑っていただきました。


Yesterday I did a 90 speech in Ikeda, on the outskirts of Osaka.  Among the guests were a Canadian and an Australian.  Their Japanese is great they in particular seemed to get a kick out of my odd experiences in Japan.



Muscle Girl Belt



Yesterday I had a little spot along with six other "unusual" performers from Osaka.  The hosts were the great Japanese rock band Muscle Girl Belt.  They put us in their blog.  The picture is great, so have a look.  If you click on the picture, it gets bigger!






Today I am shooting a show for NHK.  I think I will be on air for about 1 minute!  But, Rome wasn't built in a day...

This program you may be able to see overseas as well - I'll let you know!


Sanga eats very hot curry rice!



2010年5月 9日(日)

Older Brother Sanshiro

Sanshiro Niisan.JPG尊敬している兄弟子の桂三四郎です!古典落語も太鼓も凄く勉強熱心です。




This is my older brother storyteller Katsura Sanshiro.  He is great at traditional rakugo and at taiko drumming.  He has his own rakugo show called "THe Hot Guys Rakugo Show".

He tells alot of stories about his foreign younger brother apprentice Sunshine (me), and apparently gets great laughs.  So thanks to him I'm getting more and more famous!

In this picture, we almost could be brothers...

2010年5月 9日(日)

Funny Cafe



I went into a cafe at about midnight the other day, ordered coffee, and was told it would take about 5 minutes.  So they gave me this number plate and told me to wait at my table.  At the time there were only two other people in the cafe, and I was the only foreigner.  Did they really need the big number one to identify me?

Then 20 minutes later I went back for another cup.  This time they gave me number 6.  But the number of customers hadn't changed.  Why number 6???



2010年5月 9日(日)

Katsu Curry!

Katsu Curry.JPG今日の事務所で作ったお昼ごはん。美味しかったんですが、おとといCoCo壱番屋でいただいたカツカレーには完全負けっています。値段もほぼ一緒。CoCo壱番屋ではお皿洗いもしなくてもいいんだそうです。もう事務所でカツカレー作るのは辞めます。

I tried making curry with schnitzel at the office.  It wasn't bad, but I had the same dish at a curry shop the other day and that was much better.  And the price was about the same.  And I didn't have to wash the dishes at the restaurant.  I don't think I will bother again...

2010年5月 8日(土)

Older Brother Edasaburo...





Yesterday Older Brother Edasaburo came to teach Sango and I some traditional rakugo stories.  We showed him our versions of "The Zoo", and then he showed us "Raccoon Dog Die" (That's die as in gambling and not die as in death).  He even put us in his blog.

Thank you Older Brother Edasaburo!


2010年5月 7日(金)

Very tired...

Golden.JPG Golden2.JPG Golden3.JPGゴールデンウィークだけ私めちゃくちゃ売れている芸人になってしまったみたいです。NGKの前も、京橋花月の前も、客呼びに毎日2,3ステージで勉強させていただきました。ところで落語ではなくてアコーディオン漫談でした。私のアコーディオンパフォーマンスはスロベニアの民族衣装を着るんです。その衣装は実は冬の山の中のために作られています。ところが大阪の天気はいつの間にかめっちゃくっちゃ暑くなった!!!!たぶん5日に5キロぐらいやせました。

For all five days of Golden Week I was performing outside Osaka's two main vaudeville theatres, the ones in Namba and Kyobashi.  The thing is, I was performing not rakugo, but accordion comedy, for which I wear a Slovenian traditional costume, which was clearly designed for winter in the mountains of Europe, and not the early 28 degree plus humidity summery Osaka weather that descended on us just in time for Golden Week.

I think I lost 5 kilos over the 5 days!

2010年5月 6日(木)

My name at the door of the dressing room!


My debut of having my name at the dressing room entrance in Osaka's Kyobashi

Kagetsu traditionak vaudeville theatre!!!!!

2010年5月 5日(水)

At Home Rakugo!





Hirobani.JPGToday I was a guest at Katsura Hiroba's hometown rakugo show.  It was a great time!  A really at home atmosphere.  The people that came to watch were super friendly.

Thank you so much for inviting me Hiroba san!

2010年5月 4日(火)

Children's English Rakugo

Kodomorakugo.JPG今日は子供の寄席の出番ありました。ワッハ上方で、5歳からの子供が英語で小咄や古典らくごを演じました。子供は素晴らしかったです、落語も英語もとてもとても上手でした。パワーもらいました !!!


Today I participated in an afternoon of children's English rakugo.  The kids were as young as 5 years old.  Not one hint of stage fright, their rakugo was great, and their English was fantastic.  Great show everyone!