過去の記事: 2010年6月


Sanjaku Niisan and Umarekawari!





Today my older brother storyteller Sanjaku-niisan came to the office to teach me a story.  The story is our Master's "Umarekawari", or "Reincarnation".  It is a hilarious story and I particularly love the way Sanjaku-niisan performs it.  I've listened to him do it live probably over ten times and listened to his recording probably close to 50 times while rehearsing it.

He is also a great teacher.  He helped me with some of the finer points of Rakugo, as well as giving me alot of great detailed tips on how to make the story interesting and funny.  I have already composed an English version of this story, and am looking forward to performing it!

Thank you Sanjaku-niisan!

2010年6月 9日(水)



I read that popcorn is a rather healthy snack...

2010年6月 8日(火)

Dogs tied to my bike!

Dogs1.JPG Dogs2.JPG今日事務所出たところで、びっくりしました!私の愛車、私の籠二つついているママチャリに、犬二匹が紐で結ばれていた。だれかが勝手いに私の自転車を使っていたんです。なんで私の自転車?


いいよと申し上げました。どちみち使おうと思っていませんでした。郵便局に行ってきたら、またびっくりしました。そのおじさんが犬を連れて帰ろうとしています − 自分の自転車で!自分が自転車で来ましたんやったらなんでわざわざ知らない人の自転車に犬を結ぶのかな!意味分りません。

Today I stepped out of the office and got a shock.  I looked over to see my bycicle had two dogs tied to it.  Now I've had garbage dropped in my basked more times than I can count, but I never imagined something like this might happened.  I just stopped and stared, half in shock.

Then a voice comes out of the Yakitori restaurant my bike is in front of.  "Oh, is that your bike?  Sorry!"  said the guy.  I answered no problem, I wasn't about to use the bike anyway, take your time.  But he had the air of someone who ties his dogs to strangers bikes all the time.

Anyhow, I went to the post office.  When I came back, I got another shock.  This guy had his dogs in tow and was making to leave - on his own bike!  Now what kind of a person rides up on his own bike with his dogs in tow, then purposely seeks out someone else's bike to tie his dogs to?  Strange.  Nice guy, but strange. Dogs4.JPG



2010年6月 7日(月)

Kobe Beef

Kobe Gyu.JPG桂三金兄さんのゴスペル落語の後、これを食べに行けますかなと期待していましたが、実はほかの用事で大阪に帰れないといけませんでした。でも、三金兄さんは今度神戸牛ちゃんとおごっていただきますと約束しました!!!楽しみにしております!

I was hoping to get a tast of Kobe beef after the show, but I had to get back to the office.  But older brother Sankin promised to treat me to Kobe beef next time.  I can't wait!

2010年6月 6日(日)

Katsura Sankin Gospel Rakugo Show


2010年6月 5日(土)

Kobe Club Present

Kobe Sweets 2.JPG神戸クラブの英語落語会でいただきました御礼のお土産はこれでした!Kobe Fugetsudo, Masterpiece of sweets flavor born in Kobe.事務所でみんなで大変美味しくいただきました!ありがとうございました!

This was the present I got after the English Rakugo show at the Kobe Club.  Kobe Fugetsudo, Masterpiece of sweets flavor born in Kobe!  We had a feast on these incredible cookies and sweets the next day at the office.  Thank you so much!

2010年6月 4日(金)

The Kobe Club!

KobeClub1.JPG昨日The Kobe Clubで英語落語で勉強させていただきました。しかも、最初から最後まで全部英語で頼まれました。一時間ずっと英語しゃべるのは久し振りで、かなり疲れました。



Last evening I performed English Rakugo at the Kobe Club.  The audience was about 80% foreign, and it was also possible the first time that I have ever performed of an hour straight in English.  I really had to concentrate, and a couple of times, the Japanese word came to mind, but the English word didn't!  How embarrassing.  I should really go to Toronto for a month-long homestay program with my parents to brush up on my English.

But the event was absolutely fantastic, with a great party afterwards.  About 90 people took the time to attend, so it was a real honour and pleasure to perform there.

Thank you so much for inviting me!

2010年6月 3日(木)

Junior High-School Students from Chiba!

Chiba Girls.JPG千葉県から修学旅行している中学生四人に話しかけられました。英語勉強しているそうです。電車一緒でしたので、30分くらいずっとしゃべりっぱなしでした。とても上手でした。しかもめっちゃ楽しそうでした。私も修学旅行してみたいなあああ!

Some junior high-school girls on a school trip from Chiba started talking to me on the train.  We talked for about 30 minutes, in English!  Their English was great.  What's more, they really seemed to love talking English, so it was really fun.  Keep up the good work!

2010年6月 2日(水)

Very very busy!


Lately things have been crazy busy!  When I'm not performing on stage, I'm translating traditional rakugo into English for a certain project.  But the sheer amount of translation is incredible!  Help!

2010年6月 1日(火)

DinnerShow in Yokohama!
