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Thank you to everyone who watched the show!
I have to apologize to the director and two producers for the mean things I said about them on this blog while we were shooting. They did a great job. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Let's get to work on Part 2 as soon as possible!!!
We've finished recording the show and now we're just waiting for the director to edit it, I can't wait to see the finished product! If it goes well they said they would make another, so I am praying.
Four more days!
Today was the last day of filming for our show. Now it's up to the director!
I saw the commercial for the show and it's amazing!!! I can't wait to see the final product.
Thank you so much to the two producers and the director and staff for giving Lee and I this chance at a show! We did our best and learned alot!
If you live in Osaka, please watch us!!!
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The other day I went to Rokko Island in Kobe to perform English Rakugo at the Canadian Academy international school. The kids were fantastic. They have an unbelievable theatre there at the school and the staff is hospitable to a fault.
When I finished my first performance for the grade-school kids, it was time for questions from the children. The first one asked, "Can you tell us another story?" The next one asked, "There's still time left in this period so why can't you tell us another story?" It's such a pleasure to perform for children who are dying to listen and learn. Hats off to the teachers and staff for creating that kind of interest. It's a truly phenomenal place. I can't wait to be invited back.
Thank you!
Yesterday Lee and I went to a temple for a serious religious experience for our TV show. I can't tell you what we did before it goes on air, but I will say that it was very very very very cold.
There are two producers and one director on this show. I am beginning to dislike them very intensely.
One more day of shooting on the 19th and we're finished episode one. If all goes well, maybe they will ask us back for episode two!!! After what Lee and I went through yesterday, there better be an episode. 2!
On second thought, I may regret hoping for that...
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¿¿Ãæ¤ÎÃËÀ¤Î£´£·ºÐ¤ÎÃÂÀ¸Æü¤Ç¤·¤¿¡£Happy Birthday!!!
As sometimes happens when I wear a kimono these three people came up and talked to me on my way home last night. It was apparently this gentleman's birthday.
Thanks for saying "Hello" and Happy Birthday!!!
Today Lee and I started filming our show. It was a great time, but tiring! I have new respect for people who work on TV.
My very first job in Japan was with the DILA language school, teaching English, mostly to businessmen about to go to work abroad.
It's a great family-run school that teaches over 55 languages! In that way it may be unique not only in Japan, but maybe the world.
The DILA family have supported me in my artistic pursuits ever since, and they always come out to see me perform when I am in Tokyo.
They recently wrote a great article about me in their blog.
Thank you DILA!
The comedy team Man Ten was also part of the parade. We have been appearing on stage together alot for the past few months at various theatres in Osaka, so it's always great to seen them.
Thank you Man Ten San!!!!
I was in a parade yesterday for the festival of the Japanese Merchant God Ebisu. This family was at the side watching us go by. The daughter is eating a Japanese festival snack called Tamago Senbei, which is an egg (this time shaped as a heart) with rice krispies and mayonaise on a rice cracker. This is one of my favourite snacks in the world, but I was working so I couldn't get one myself. I did, however, enjoy the snack vicariously through this little girl.
Thank you to the family for letting me take your picture!!!
Yesterday I was part of a huge parade for the Japanese Merchant God Ebisu. Being part of this parade brings good fortune for the year, especially in one's work or business, so I was happy to be chosed to be part of the Japanese Yoshimoto Comedian's attraction in the parade.
The main part of our attraction was a palanquin calle a "Kago" in Japanese. The Japanese comic duo Plus Minus (pictured below) got the honour of riding in the Kago. It only holds one person, so they took turns.
I have had the opportunity to perform with plus minus recently, and it's been great getting to know them. They are absolutely hilarious. I want to bring them to Canada!
Thank for a great day!!!
Yesderday I performed outside the NGK theatre with the Manzai comedy group "Snake Strawberry" and singer Mizugi Kei. It was cold, but great fun. Lots of people came by and wished us well in the new year.
I didn't get his picture, but the host was Mr. Charanporan Tomiyoshi. He was hilarious. He said I resembled a Northwest Airline Pilot and that I would have been alot better moving up the corporate ladder of a Ginger Ale or Maple Syrup company than entering the crazy world of Japanese comedy!
In all, a great day! Thanks everyone!